Security Verification

Here are the steps to verify the security of the installation package of the Multi-Mining App you downloaded.

To further ensure the security of running the Multi-Mining App(PINGPONG App) on your computer, we have introduced a special method to verify the hash of the installation package. This helps you confirm that the client you downloaded is from an official and secure source.

Please Note:

  1. Always download and run our app from the download section of the official product website.

️Never download the installation package through links shared by others or from non-official tutorials.

  1. Do not run software from unknown publishers or software flagged by your system as risky. If you encounter such cases, please contact us promptly for verification.

  2. You can run commands to obtain the hash of the installation package, and compare it with the ones we provide below. You can verify the hash of the software at any time to ensure it is secure.

Obtaining and Comparing Hash

For Mac Users

  1. Open Launchpad from the Dock.

  2. Search and open Terminal from the search bar.

  3. Drag the installation package into the Terminal.

  4. Use shasum -a 512 PINGPONG-latest-universal.dmg to obtain the hash of the installation package.

  1. Compare the obtained hash value with the one on the download page.

For Windows Users

  1. Go to the download directory of the installation package.

  2. In the search bar on top, type cmd and press Enter.

  3. In the command line, use certutil -hashfile PINGPONG-Setup-latest.exe SHA512 to obtain the hash of the installation package.

  4. Compare the obtained hash value with the one on the download page.

For Linux Users

Use sha512sum PINGPONG to obtain the hash of the installation package, and compare it with the one on the download page.

Last updated